Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Last ramadhan, a week before raya to be exact, I dreamt about my late abah. He looked very (there’s no words to describe it) pure, different and perfect. That was the face that i missed the most in years. The person who i haven’t see for the past 3 years. He was wearing white baju melayu and came to me with a sweet smile on his face. I was speechless . Not a single word came out from my mouth. I was in shocked, then I saw he was holding a set of white telekung. I asked him , "What is that abah?". He replied , " This is telekung. This telekung is for your mum. I love her so much and I miss her . I will wait for her". All of sudden I woke up , after realized that it was just a dream, and I cried and cried thinking about that the dream with a mixed feelings.

I really happy because he is perfect even though it just a dream. Months before he passed away, he lost his right leg from his knee below due to gangrene. It’s all because of foot massagers. What I know a diabetic person will loose his senses slowly. That happened to abah . First, his sight. He wasn’t able to see everything clearly. Then, his touch sense. He overused the foot massagers until his right feet blistered but he didn’t noticed it. Then days after, his right feet was starting to swell. The doctor said, " nothing serious. After you take your meds, you'll be fine". For God's sake, my father has a diabetic. How can she said such things? Days passed by. His right feet still the same and it was getting worse. Everyday my mum said that she will going to take him to the hospital , but refused every single time. We don’t blame him. If we put ourselves in his shoes, we'll do the same thing because we're afraid to know the truth especially if we have disease like diabetic. Until one day, mama noticed that his toe is turning into black. Only then he agreed to go to the hospital. So we went to the specialist, he told abah, that abah is suffering gangrene and his right feet needs to be amputate because they afraid the virus will spread to his lungs and his heart. That was the day that I will never forget for the rest of my life. The same thing goes to my family members. Everybody was so sad. But we tried not to show it in front of him. Mama told abah that we will be by his side forever, and asked abah to look at the bright side, if he refuse to undergo the operation, things might getting worse. He agreed, he was so cool about it. But after the operation, few hours after that, he finally woke up, he opened his eyes, looked at mama, then looked at us then his hands slowly run down to the blanket that covered his foot. Then he started to cry, all of us didn’t know what to do. And mama slowly whispered to abah, "sabarlah abah. ini semua dugaan untuk abah. ada hikmah. and we will always be by your side". Then all of us cried. We've reached the point where we couldn’t hold the tears anymore. It was so hard looking at a man who used to be an active teacher, now lying helpless on hospital bed. Words can’t describe how it was to abah. The first month, it was so hard for abah. He had to rely on wheelchair, if we went out together, some eyes was staring at him. We can tell by the look of their faces, some feel pitied, but some of them gave "oh-my-god-that-man-got-only-one-leg" stares. That kind of reaction had lowered his self-esteem. Then we told him, just let them be abah. Those people who looked at you with weird-disguise stares, they have third-class mentality. Those are idiots that can never understand other people problems. Months goes by, we celebrated Eid with him. It never crossed in my mind that it would be the last Eid we celebrated with him. No wonder why he was insisted to go back to his kampung and visited ALL his friends there even with his condition. He was very happy to meet them and gave every single one of them present and our family picture. Then after raya, I sat for SPM, during that time , abah was not feeling well . He was coughing continuously. I hadn’t spent time much with him during that time, I was too busy studying. How I regret it so much now. One night, I was studying for my last paper, Ekonomi Asas. It was 3am. He saw me, he said, "tidoq dayu . jangan asyik dok study sampai pagi. kena rehat sat. nanti blackout esok pagi". It was his last advice to me. 3days after I finished my SPM, abah condition was getting worse. 1st december 2007, He was coughing excessively, and he told mama that he couldn’t breathe, mama called all of us to go to the clinic. The doctor said he couldn’t breathe because his lungs is filled with water and mucus.So the doctor took out the water using the some-inhaler-machine. The after saw abah's condition became more stable, we went home. Few hours after that, abah condition was getting worse and worse, he said he couldn’t breathe. Everybody was panicked, mama said she gonna take abah straight away to the hospital. On our way to hospital, abah looked pale, and soffucated. Theres one point where he looked like he was gonna throw up. After that, abah didnt move at all. We tried to call him, abah! abah! no answer. Kaklong then checked his pulse. no. nothing. Abah's body was cold. We still brought him to the hospital where we hoped he was only passed out or unconscious. We rushed to the emergency unit, 10minutes later, medical staffs there came out and said," puan, bersabarlah ya. kami tak dapat selamatkan arwah. arwah dah meninggal semasa dalam perjalanan kesini.harap puan terima takdir ni dengan redha". All of us cried, still in shocked thinking what has happened just in a blink of an eye except for Ezzat, he was still small to understand everything. He was 8 at that time. But now whenever I ask him whether he misses abah, he says yes. Yes abah, not only ejat, but mama, kaklong and dayu miss you too. We miss your jokes, we miss to go vacation together, we miss your voice, we miss your advices, and we really miss your loves. Why did you go so soon? Don’t you love us anymore? Who will going to take care of us? Who is going to console mama when she is sad? Who is going to tell Ezzat about guy’s stuff or play a cricket with him? Who is gonna go to my graduation day when I graduate soon? Whos gonna argue with me again like you did? Abah, so many things you forget to show me how to do. And so much more I would to know from you abah. Abah , I miss you . and I m sorry for all the mistakes that I’ve done towards you. I tend to hurt the feelings of my loved ones. and you are the most. I’m sorry. Everytime I listen to Hurt by Christina Aguilera, it reminds me of you. I’m sorry abah. I’m sorry. Please forgive me for all the mistakes that I have done to you. I am hardly miss you.

real loss only occurs when you lose something you love more than yourself

Tuesday, September 21, 2010



The definition of the word itself varies upon how individual interprets this particular word .
Some may say , " The Absence of Justice"
Some may say " The Violation of Rights of Another "
But , the simplest definition that we can narrow down and I bet every single person know this ,


So this morning , I've watched The Other Boleyn Girl film . This film made me realized something , injustice can occur anytime , anywhere .

  • Favoritism among siblings
  • Discrimination / injustice on women
  • People been judge / treated according to their social status
  • The King's power is unlimited - influence the law makers
  • A person's right is never exist
In this film , Favoritism among siblings is very obvious . As we can see when William Carey asks Anne's hand in marriage , Sir Thomas instead offers Mary because he thinks Anne deserves more rather than William Carey . In Fact , Anne is the one who been educated with different types of knowledge by his father since she was a child compared to Mary , she doesn't have talents at all .

Sir Thomas believes that everyone improves the standings of their family through their daughters. Where he thought by using her daughters he can gain position in the court, but he was wrong. His wife doesnt has the rights to voice out her opinions because women that era are considered as low and have to follow what men say .

George is forced by Sir Thomas to marry Jane Parker just because her family has the status and also to pay his debts .

Everyone who comes to court irrevocably lathes his or her fate to King Henry's mood swings, his wants and his whims and the Privy Council is not the exception. Their giving their judgment as according to his wish .

:: Everynow and then , injustice is everywhere . It depends on society to curb it ::

Monday, September 6, 2010


Okay . This isn't me , it's my spirit .
At exactly 23:50 , I officially died .
Cause of death ?

( especially when you have to study when raya is just around the corner + tons of assignments that need to be done during raya = finals is approaching. )

I mean it , studying do KILLS .

Finals always give me the creeps . I read like hell , answered like hell as well .
I read like it's the end of the world , answered like it's end of the world as well .

Doncha notice that ;


and and and ;

S - self
T - torturing
U - usually
D - done by
Y - youth

Can i just take the exam papers WITHOUT studying ?
Of course I can .
But that means ; I'll die as well .


Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Its a new year . A new place for me . I had left UDM (known as Unisza now) with mixed experiences . I tend to think it was a mistake to choose to continue my law studies there . I was really messed up . But Alhamdulillah , I was given the second chance to continue my studies at UKM .

Only God knows how thankful I am to be here in UKM pursuing my studies in law . So its been few weeks since my class started . Looking at all the STPM students , I felt so small . Their CGPA's were just over the top . In a good way of course . But I did not have many friends here as I did in my Asasi days. They were like persona non grata to me. Some of them were very friendly. And some of them just playing the “Where did you come from ?” thingy. But im getting to know them , so do they . But i know we're gonna get along really well soon . because we're going to spend 4 years looking at the same face over and over again . :)

Yesterday I had only my MLS class .
I found out that tutor and lecture classes are different from what I had in UDM . I mean the teaching techniques are different . So my credit hours are 17. With Malaysian Legal System, Contract Law And Constitutional Law are on my belt, Im scared . Scared that the history is about to repeat. Having nightmares on how to study and answer the questions that I had really messed up.

Seeing other students chilling, going to KL during weekend just give me the creeps to hang out. I just wanted to study, study, and study during my time here. But can I really keep this up ? I mean it is simple to say it but to maintain it , I need to give my 110% or even more . I can't let my mum sad again . I have to prove to people out I can do this eventhough
I had never dreamt of taking law .Now I really hoped that I could pursue my dreams of becoming successful. aminnn ... :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

TYPES OF MEN -good and bad. 0_o

10 Types of MEN You Need to Avoid :

1) men who are cruel.

2) men who think only with their sticks. (i TOTALLY couldnt agree more on this. haha)

3) men who refuse to grow up.

4)men who wayyyyyy too paranoid about everything.

5)men who think that they are better than you.

6)men who are prettier than you.

7)men who think he knows you.

8)men who love sports too much.

9)men who are damaged and like it.

10)men who are always pissing on EVERYTHING.

7 Types Of Guys Women Can't Resist

1. The Romantic Guy

He believes in classic romance. He is constantly bringing her flowers and chocolate and lighting candles during dinner. He calls her often to let her know he is thinking about her and looks into her eyes and tells her how he feels.

Why he is so irresistible: A woman loves to feel appreciated, and the romantic guy makes this happen. He uses romantic gestures to show her he is thinking about her. As an added bonus, she feels free to reciprocate and act on her own romantic tendencies.

2. The Confident Guy

He is totally secure and sure of himself. He is assertive in public and gives off an aura of power and control (within reason of course, as the "cocky guy" is not on this list). In a relationship, he doesn't get jealous of other men; he doesn't feel threatened by his girlfriend's male friends or coworkers.

Why he is so irresistible: Women are attracted to confident men. Consider this: If you think you are great, she will probably be influenced to think the same. The confident man doesn't seek approval from women, and this makes them want him even more.

3. The Artistic Guy

The artistic guy is spontaneous and lives for the moment. Often, he will use his creativity to woo her, such as with a song he has written about her or a painting he has made for her.

Why he is so irresistible: Every woman wants to feel unique and special. There is no better way to make her feel this way than to use her as your muse or your source of inspiration. She is intrigued by the artistic guy's creative mind and especially by the way he incorporates her into his art.

Charismatic, rebellious, smart, and considerate guys all get the girl.

4. The Foreign Guy

He comes from a faraway exotic country; he might have a cute accent or a unique way of seeing the world. His social customs and everyday behavior can be a little quirky, but he always manages to come off as uniquely charming. Note that you don't have to actually be foreign to fit into this category. If you are well-traveled or speak many languages, you might be able to pull off the charm as well as any sweet-talking foreigner.

Why he is so irresistible: Charisma, charisma and charisma. There's not much more I can say about this one; it's just that mysterious je ne sais quoi that is so alluring. Women often choose this kind of guy if they are curious about the world, but most of the appeal comes down to a fascination with dating someone from another culture.

5. The Free Spirit Guy (aka the Bad Boy)

The free spirit guy goes where the wind takes him -- and the wind usually takes him on some kind of wacky adventure. He might ride a motorcycle, or he might skip work to take her on a last-minute road trip, but this guy doesn't worry too much about the consequences; he just sees where his own devices take him.

Why he is so irresistible: Every woman wants a bit of a rebel (within reason, of course). She loves his carefree attitude and hopes that it will rub off on her too. The bad boy spirit adds an element of youthfulness to the relationship and she loves to try taming him -- although she knows she'll never actually succeed.

6. The Intelligent/Witty Guy

He instigates conversations that are intellectually stimulating and listens to what she has to say in response. He makes her laugh with his clever sense of humor and has an uncanny ability to make politics interesting. He can shoot the breeze with her for hours and it will never get boring.

Why he is so irresistible: As time goes on, your hairline may recede and your buff body may soften, but if you can keep her interested, you've won half the battle. An intellectual connection is a big part of what sustains a relationship and if you can show her that you've got that, she'll be hooked pretty quickly.

7. The Considerate Guy

He holds open her car door and pulls out her chair. He foots the bill for dinner and makes sure to offer her dessert. He always asks her out with reasonable notice and picks her up at her door. He is generally sensitive to how she is feeling and when she is ready to go home.

Why he is so irresistible: Surprised? You probably think that nice, considerate guys never get the woman, but consider this: Once a woman has gone through her share of the bad guy, the rude guy and the not-calling-her-back guy, she will likely reevaluate her priorities. It takes a bit of maturity on her part to realize this, but eventually most girls come around and realize that they want a guy who will treat them well in the long run.

but OBVIOUSLY it is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy easier to find all the assholes that women need to avoid compared those women cant resist nowadays.*sighhh*

i guess its better for me to be gay.LOL.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


By looking at these pictures DO I have to say more ?????

there are reasons why i HEART this shoe.
i) its RED
ii) wedges
iii) its 5 inch okie. nice.
iv) look at the label - JIMMY CHOO weyh!!!

but obviously, i totally dont have a single chance to hv that shoe. i cant afford it. like seriously.
so............................................. teruskanla bermimpi ayu oii!! haha.

Friday, October 23, 2009




you have no idea how much i adore matador. matador - unique and sexy at the same time. =)
so i guess i want my man to wear d costume like everyday?! haha.

p/s : sexy sexy sexy sexy sexy sexy sexy sexy sexy. hahahahahaha. me likey.