d oni thing i couldnt resist in this world!gosh!atas minat aku ni la berbagai2 jenis leteran yg aku dpt.dan berkepuk2 duit aku hbeskn utk minat aku ni.duhh.
okie2.aku tau ramai yg xfaham npe la de wujud org gila kasut mcm aku.aku tau dlm otak diorg msti diorg ckp,mende la yg special smpai gila nk kumpul ksut.meh sni aku nk explain.
so,acc to Kang Seon-mi in her essay about "shoeaholic" said that :
- the height of shoe heels refelects the social status of that particular woman. in other words, the higher the shoe heels,the higher the social status of a woman.
- its nothing weird about shoes obsession.women like imelda romualdez,condolezza rice and madonna also a BIG fans of shoes!
- shoeaholic express themselves through their shoes.
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